



PREAMBLE …………………………………………………………5

ARTICLE I   - Nature Section 1.      

Definition of the Post....................................................................5

Section 2.      

Political Status………………………………………………………..5

Section 3.       Member Duty…………………………………………………...........5

Section 4.      

Conforming By-Laws………………………………………………...5


Section 5.      

Robert’s Rules………………………………………………………..5


Section 6.      

By-Law Changes……………………………………………………..5

 ARTICLE II - Membership           

Section 1.      

Membership Eligibility………………………………………………..6           

Section 2.      

Eligibility Dates………………………………………………………..6           

Section 3.      

Membership Types…………………………………………………...6           

Section 4.      

Multiple Memberships………………………………………………..6           

Section 5.      

Voting on By-Law Changes………………………………………....6           

Section 6.      

Applying for Membership……………………………………………6           

Section 7.      

Verifying Eligibility……………………………………………………6           

Section 8.      

New Member Approval………………………………………………6           

Section 9.      

Increasing Annual Dues……………………………………………..6           

Section 10.   

Delinquent Members…………………………………………………7           

Section 11.   

Membership Transfer………………………………………………...7           

Section 12.   

Member Suspensions………………………………………………..7           

Section 13.   

Member Expulsion from Membership……………………………...7

ARTICLE III - Elected Post Officers & Committees

            Section 1.      

Officers of the Post…………………………………………………..7           

Section 2.      

 Annual Election of Officers…………………………………............8                        Section 2A.    Executive Committee………………………………………..8                       

Section 2B.   

Housing Committee………………………………………….8           

Section 3.      

Annual Nomination of Officers……………………………………...8           

Section 4.      

Posting of Officers nominated for election………………………...8           

Section 5.      

 Eligibility to vote for annual officers………………………………...8           

Section 6.      

Election of Officers…………………………………………………...8           

Section 7.      

 Ballot Preparation and Voting………………………………............9           

Section 8.      

Office Vacancies……………………………………………………...9           

Section 9.      

Newly Elected Officer Duties………………………………………..9 ARTICLE IV - Duties of Officers           

Section 1.      

Commander Charge…………………………………………………9           

Section 2.      

Commander Duties…………………………………………………..9           

Section 3.      

Senior Vice Commander Charge………………………………….10           

Section 4.      

Senior Vice Commander Duties…………………………………...10           

Section 5.      

Junior Vice Charge………………………………………………….10            

Section 6.      

Junior Vice Duties………………………………………………….11           

Section 7.      

Adjutant Charge…………………………………………………….11           

Section 8.      

Adjutant Duties……………………………………………..............11           

Section 9.      

 Finance Officer Charge…………………………………………….11           

Section 10.   

Finance Officer Duties…………………………………….............12           

Section 10A. 

Consolidating Financial Accounts………………………………..12           

Section 11.   

Service Officer Charge……………………………………………..12           

Section 12.   

Service Officer Duties………………………………………………13           

Section 13.   

Chaplain Charge……………………………………………………13           

Section 14.   

Chaplain Duties……………………………………………………..13           

Section 15.   

Sergeant-At-Arms Charge…………………………………………13           

Section 16.   

Sergeant-At-Arms Duties…………………………………………..14           

Section 17.   

Historian Charge……………………………………………………14           

Section 18.   

Historian Duties……………………………………………………..14 ARTICLE V - Committee and Duties           

Section 1.      

The Legislative Body……………………………………………….14           

Section 2.      

Executive Committee………………………………………………14           

Section 3.      

The Housing Committee…………………………………..............15           

Section 4.      

The Welfare Committee……………………………………………15           

Section 5.      

Scholarship Committee…………………………………………….15           

Section 6.      

The Children’s Christmas Party Committee……………………...16           

Section 7.      

The Finance Committee…………………………………...............16           

Section 8.      

The Election Committee…………………………………...............16           

Section 9.      

Powers not covered in By-Laws…………………………………...16 ARTICLE VI - Meeting Dates & Times           

Section 1.      

The Annual Meeting………………………………………………...16           

Section 2.      

The Regular Meeting……………………………………................17           

Section 3.      

The Executive Committee Meeting……………………................17           

Section 4.      

The Housing Committee Meeting…………………………………17           

Section 5.      

 The Welfare Committee…………………………………………….17           

Section 6.      

The Scholarship Committee……………………………................17           

Section 7.      

The Children’s Christmas Party Committee……………………...17           

Section 8.      

The Finance Committee……………………………………………17 ARTICLE VII - Appointments & Hires           

Section 1.      


Section 2.      

Children’s Christmas Party Committee…………………………..17           

Section 3.      

Finance Committee....................................................................17           

Section 4.      

Convention Delegates and Alternates……………………………18           

Section 5.      

Norman Rockwell Painting Committee…………………………...18           

Section 6.      

Bar Manager and Maintenance…………………………………...18  ARTICLE VIII - Annual Events           

Section 1.      

Election of officers………………………………………………….18           

Section 2.      

Flag Retirement Ceremony……………………………………….18           

Section 3.      

Boys State…………………………………………………………..18           

Section 4.      

New Fiscal Year…………………………………………………….18           

Section 5.      

Installation of Officers & Committee Members………………….18           

Section 6.      

Annual Turkey Social………………………………………………19           

Section 7.      

Veteran’s Day Observance………………………………………..19           

Section 8.      

Children’s Christmas Party………………………………………...19

Section 9.      

New Years Eve Party. ……………………………………………..19

Section 10    

Scholarship Selections………………………………................…19

Section 11.   

Memorial Day Observance………………………………………..19

Section 12.   

Slate of new officers selected……………………………………..19

Section 13.   

Election of delegates to the State Convention…………………..19 ARTICLE IX - Newly Revised Robert’ Rules of Order           

Section 1.      

Rules of Order………………………………………………………19        ARTICLE X - Definition of YEARS           

Section 1.      

Fiscal Year…………………………………………………………..19           

Section 2.      

Membership Year…………………………………………………..19 ARTICLE XI - Amendments to By-Laws           

Section 1.      

Amending By-Laws…………………………………………………19 ARTICLE XII - Definition of Financial Funds           

Section 1.      

Canteen Fund………………………………………………………19

Section 2.      

General Fund…………………………………………...................19

Section 3.      

Welfare Fund…………………………………………...................19

Section 4.      

Welfare Trust Fund………………………………………………...20

Section 5.      

Children’s Christmas Fund………………………………………..20

Section 6.      

White Trust Fund…………………………………………………..20

Section 7.      

Post Improvement Fund…………………………………………..20

Section 8.      

Small Post Improvement Fund…………………………………...20

ARTICLE XIII - The Corporation           

Section 1.      

Corporate Seal……………………………………………………..20             By-LawCommittee…………………………………………………………...................21                                                  


 For God and Country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great War; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to Posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.


ARTICLE I Nature Section 1.       Definition of the Post - This Corporation to be hereinafter designated in these By-Laws as the Post, is a civilian organization and membership therein does not effect nor increase the liability for military service. Rank does not exist in the Post; no member shall be addressed by his military title at any meeting of the Post. Section 2.       Political Status - The Post shall be absolutely non-political and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles, or for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment. No candidate for or incumbent of a remunerative elective public office shall hold any office in the Post, and the declaration of candidacy for such a public office by any person shall operate automatically to vacate the office of such person in the Post. Section 3.       Member Duty - Each member shall perform his full duty as a citizen according to his own conscience and understanding. Section 4.       Conforming By-Laws - The provision of these By-Laws shall be made to conform at all times to the provisions of the constitution and By-Laws of the National Organization of The American Legion and of the constitution and By-Laws of the Department of Massachusetts, Inc. American Legion. Section 5.       Robert’s Rules -The rules contained in Newly Revised Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Post in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution, these By-Laws or special rules of order of this Post. Section 6.       By-Law Changes -Amendments or changes in this Constitution and By-Laws may be made at any regular meetings of the Post by a two-thirds vote of the member’s present provided notice of the proposed changes has been given in writing and read at the previous regular meetings.  ARTICLE II MembershipSection 1.       Membership Eligibility - Any person shall be eligible for membership in the Post that served at least one day of federal active military duty in the United States Armed Forces and was honorably discharged or are still serving honorably during the dates published by the National American Legion. U. S. Merchant Marines are eligible to join if they served during December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946 exclusive.Section 2.       Eligibility Dates - New eligibility requirements and eligibility dates may be established periodically but only by vote and approval of Congress.Section 3.       Membership Types - There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership, and dues shall be paid annually, or the member may purchase a Paid Up For Life Membership. There will not be any “Associate Members”.Section 4.       Multiple Memberships - No person may be a member at any one time of more than one Post.Section 5.       Voting on By-Law Changes - Persons who are members in Good Standing of the voluntary association known as the Eugene M. Connor Post 193, The American Legion may vote to approve these By-Laws and any additions or changes to the constitution or By-Laws that are deemed necessary. All members voting will have their membership verified by the Post Adjutant.Section 6.       Applying for Membership - Each new candidate for membership or a member asking for reinstatement duly qualified under Section 1 of Article II must complete an application and submit a copy of their DD-214 form to the application to verify eligibility. Section 7.       Verifying Eligibility - All new applicants, or members requesting a transfer or to be reinstated will have their eligibility verified by the elected Post Adjutant. The Adjutant will check the date they entered the service on active duty and their discharge date against the eligibility dates established by Congress and the Legion. Any member that served during those dates and was discharged h