



Mesothelioma Cancer


Listen to an audio summary on Mesothelioma Cancer.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane lining of the lungs and abdomen.

Malignant mesothelioma is the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. Although uncommon, mesothelioma cancer is no longer considered rare. The primary cause and risk factor for mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

Making a correct mesothelioma diagnosis is particularly difficult for doctors because the disease often presents with symptoms that mimic other common ailments. There is no known cure for mesothelioma, but treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy have helped to improve the typical mesothelioma prognosis.

Pleural mesothelioma (affecting the lung’s protective lining in the chest cavity) represents about three quarters of all mesothelioma incidence. Peritoneal mesothelioma which affects the abdominal cavity and pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the cardiac cavity, comprise the remainder. Testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and is typically presents with metastases of the peritoneal variety. There are three recognized mesothelioma cell-types. Between 50 and 70% of all mesotheliomas are of the epithelial variety. While prognosis is generally poor, it is considered less aggressive than sarcomatoid mesothelioma and biphasic mesothelioma, which comprise the remainder of cell type diagnoses.

Read more: http://www.mesothelioma.com/mesothelioma/#ixzz24Iqt3ACE
Community Bulletin Board Announcements
Post your community related announcements here to reach the entire 
American Legion Post #193 and the Winchendon Community.
Lions Clubs logo
The Winchendon Lions Club is a group of men and women who volunteer their time to humanitarian causes in both local and world-wide communities. We strive to help those in need with the motto "WE SERVE."
We focus our efforts to serve the Winchendon Community. Our list of community projects include Scholarships to High School Students from Winchendon, Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to needy families, Peace Poster and Youth Speech Contests in the Winchendon Schools, providing glasses and hearing aides for the needy and collecting eye glasses in Winchendon locations for distribution to the poor and needy.
As all organizations, we need you as a member but not only as a member an active member that will help us out with our fund raisers. We like to enjoy ourselves and invite you to visit us at our bi-monthly meetings held on the first and third Tuesday at 7:00 PM of each month at the community building at Ipswich Drive.  We look forward to seeing you there and joining this organization that serves the needs of those that really need our help.
A Message from our  Post 193 member  Aubrey Pilgrim, DC (Ret.)
Aubrey co-wrote a book that he wants to share with all Members of our Post, please read his message below and read his book which is free on the website, below is his story: 
Ken by all means put the info about my free books on your site. Most of the
men in the Legion are at the age when they should all have a PSA
test. This is a simple blood test which can determine if a man has
prostate cancer. The reason I moved here is because Tom Shepard
had never had a PSA test. When he developed back pain they tested
him and found that he had extensive prostate cancer. Prostate cancer
thrives on testosterone, so Tom was castrated, but the disease was
too advanced. He died a couple years later. His wife Susan was on
the Internet trying to find some help for him. We got to corresponding and
after he died we continued to correspond. I sold my home in Los Angeles
and moved here.
Tom might still be alive today if his doctor had given him a simple PSA blood test years earlier.  
If I can help any one, please let me know.
Incidentally, over 20 medical doctors and several survivors contributed
to the book. That is one reason why I have made it free. I could not
possibly divide up any royalties. 

I wish you and all the members of the post the best health,

Aubrey Pilgrim, DC (Ret.) Author of
A Revolutionary Approach to Prostate Cancer-Read the original book
for FREE at:
Read new edition for FREE at
Dr. E. David Crawford is co-author of the revision

If your announcement serves a benefit or improves the community quality of life, is legal, Post 193, at its sole discretion, may post your announcement. Except for emergencies allow two weeks notice prior to the event date.